Tuesday 19 August 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Books People Have Been Telling The Mermaid That She MUST Read

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.

Each week, a new Top Ten list will be posted at The Broke and the Bookish. Everyone is welcome to join. Just remember to link back to The Broke and the Bookish and add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers' lists! Click here to view the full list of Top Ten Tuesdays.

This is my first time participating in Top Ten Tuesday! I've finally found some free time to do it. School is just insane right now but the holidays are in about two weeks (aka more reading time!).

So here we go – ten books people have been telling me that I MUST read!

Most of these books are ones I keep hearing about but have never read. There are probably a ton of books that fall under this category for me, because #1, I used to have this mindset of not reading what I thought was ‘mainstream’, and #2, I just simply didn’t have the time. 

1. Under The Never Sky by Veronica Rossi: Manon from Sous Ma Couverture recommended this! Movie rights have been sold, but there isn't much news regarding that as of now.

2. The Fault In Our Stars by John Green: Seems like EVERYONE has read this. But yes, I haven't read TFIOS. And no, I have not seen the movie. I probably wouldn’t have shifted it up my TBR list if the movie hadn’t been released.

3. The Maze Runner by James Dashner: Like TFIOS, the same goes for The Maze Runner. My classmates have been telling me to read it and are eagerly anticipating its movie release in September, so this time I will read it before then (like I did for The Hunger Games trilogy).

4. Promises (Syrenka, #1) by Amber Garr: Michelle from The Passionate Bookworms recommended this series to me, especially since I’m a mer-freak. I’ve heard it’s fin-tastic.

5. The Bellwether Revivals by Benjamin Wood: I was exchanging book recs with a classmate in a bookstore after being properly introduced to him for the first time (and finding out he's a fan of The Lunar Chronicles!). I recommended What Kills Me by Wynne Channing to him. In return, he located a copy of The Bellwether Revivals in the store and showed it to me.

6. Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles, #2) by Marissa Meyer: Said classmate and fan of The Lunar Chronicles asked me why I hadn't read Scarlet yet even though I'd finished Cinder already.

I’m a reader who prefers to wait till a series is finished because I can’t stand the agonising wait for sequels. The more popular an unfinished series is, the less likely I am to start reading it anytime soon.

Fun fact: During the pre-release hype of the third book, Cress, one of my pins on Pinterest showcasing fan art (not mine) had an insane amount of repins. The number now stands close to 500!

7. The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare: I was pretty confused over whether one should start reading The Infernal Devices (the prequel series) or The Mortal Instruments first. A classmate of mine who’s an avid fan of this series recommended starting with the latter, so at least I'll know where to start!

8. Wonder by R. J. Palacio: What a lovely sky blue cover. A friend reading it recommended it after I asked about the illustration.

9. The Chrysalids and 10. The Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham: Another classmate of mine who particularly loves dystopian/post-apocalyptic novels suggested these to me. Aside from their interesting premises, these were written in the 1950s. I was told that John Wyndham’s sci-fi novels weren’t that popular in those days, but with the resurgence of books in the similar genre, I think they'll be better-appreciated in this century.

Thanks for checking out my Top Ten Tuesday post! Leave a comment with a link to your post so I can swim over ;)


  1. I would definitely recommend The Maze Runner! :) Most of the time, you have NO idea what's going on, but that's why it worked for me.

    1. Another Maze Runner fan! At this rate, my standards for this novel will be going sky high XD Thanks for the rec, Inge! (:

    2. Oh dear hahaha. Well, it has its pros and cons. If you need answers and you need them now, you're going to be very frustrated. But if you enjoy a good mindfuck... :D

  2. Ye mus read 2 and 7! I think 2 is overrated though. 1 was okay, but I didn't exactly like it. 3 was also pretty good, but I abandoned the series later (can't wait for the movie!!!). 6 I have the prequel, Cinder. I just need to get reading, but due to the amount of school work (it's INSANE), I haven't even finished The Shadow Prince and I need to do that SOON. Really soon. Since I have well... 2 books I need to read and review for tours in September. Dx

    The others, I have no clue.

    1. I own Cinder too! I'll have to re-read it again to refresh my memory /: I totally get the schoolwork thing – I seem to be reading less and less each year D:

      All the best for your tour prep! I'll try and stop by (:

  3. If you're going to read TFiOS or watch the movie, I suggest you prepare tissues haha. It's definitely an emotional read but worth it ;) Anything by Cassandra Clare I'd highly recommend! She's so great at building a magical world and weaving stories together!

    Eileen @ BookCatPin

    1. I haven't cried over a book in a really long time, but I'll be sure to follow your suggestion XD It's great to hear that these are worth reading! (:

  4. I've always wanted to read Day of the Triffids!

    1. It sounds intriguing, doesn't it? I seriously need to revisit the sci-fi genre.

  5. You have some good looking books on your list. I've seen a lot of these books being recommended as very good. I know what you mean about not reading a series until after it's been finished. I made that mistake with Rick Riordan's Heroes of Olympus series. I'm very impatient for the last book but I still have to wait!

    1. I read The Lightning Thief a few years back. It was soooo good but I stopped myself from reading the sequel when I found out it was a series! :P

  6. I didn't pick up TFIOS for the longest time but when I finally did I absolutely loved it. That story is just beautiful and heartbreaking!

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

    1. Ahhh now I'm even more stoked for it! I'm sure it'll be a novel I MUST finish in one sitting.


Merci pour ton commentaire! If you have asked a question, do check back for a reply - I'll try my best to answer.